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Kristoffer Kiddy
Somewhere So Far Away
(Official Music Video)

Every thought is like a tree, deeply rooted in our past, spreading its branches in our present. Many of those branches may be dead, but with noone to share your thoughts with, those trees stay unpruned and with time they become a forest, an endless, dark and lonely place. Though that forest is sometimes overwhelming, a human hand can make something out of those trees and create something trully beautifull, a piece of art or even a game to play...

Singer/songwriter: Kristoffer Kiddy
Guitars: Neven Kozina
Back vocals: Neven Kozina and Martina Mezak
Foley: Kristoffer Kiddy
Mixing and mastering: Kristoffer Kiddy
Make up: Martina Mezak
Filming and video editing: Neven Kozina
Actress: Martina Mezak

Kristoffer Kiddy
PMS Music Miniature #4
(Official Video)

A little part of the bigger story, a short link between 2 songs. This one goes before Somewhere So Far Away.

Music, foley and sound design: Kristoffer Kiddy
Filming and video editing: Neven Kozina

There's much more on YouTube

What's This All About?

I'm a Croatian singer/songwriter creating an art in a small home of mine.

The lyrics I write come from my personal experiences, thoughts and deep-felt emotions and are permeated by my music which springs from a childlike play. Those little and honest, yet sometimes abstract stories are accompanied by interconnected music videos made by my brother, as a sort of a music film. We've put a lot of love and our whole free time into this.

Except from filming and editing, my brother plays a big role in this project in a form of singing some vocals and playing some instrumental parts alongside a few of my close friends. Big thanks to my longtime girlfriend as well as my family for their diligent assisting around the set and their unconditional support along the way. We release our stuff on my YouTube channel, so you can check it out and try to connect it by yourself!

I hope I’ll bring these little stories of mine to your hearts.

Huge thanks to everyone involved!
And above all, thank God.

People Behind

Neven Kozina
The godfather

My bigger brother. Besides filming and editing our videos, he plays bass, ukulele and guitar parts as well as sing back vocals.

Martina Mezak
A ray of sunshine

My girlfriend.
She's acting, singing back vocals, doing make-up and assisting in every way possible (and impossible).

Guitar guy

My longtime friend.  Always ready to come up with the next big joke and an amazing bass and guitar part when needed.

Domagoj Križić
Bass boi

My dear friend.
Except being awesome in general, he's playing some awesome bass parts in some of my songs.


PIN studio is a small and creative laboratory with the aim of architecture and design! It's run by my brother Petar Kozina and his wife Nera Nejašmić Kozina.

Support Us!

If you like what we do you can support us by following us on social media and streaming platforms where you'll get some insight into all of the stuff that's going on. These are only some of the mentioned.

Besides that, we're also Brave Verified Creators, so if you use Brave browser, you can give us a tip in BATs.

Other Projects

We're currently working on multiple other projects as well.
More on that soon, so stay tuned by following the social media! :)

Where do we go next?

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